The weather has already changed. The inevitable is happening. Summer is coming to an end. We have our front and back doors wide open and the cool, crisp air is cooling our home, giving our central air a break. This has been a hot summer. A really hot summer. But, it has been a good one. We are so lucky to have this time together as a family, to reset, relax and enjoy the time off. I haven't mentioned this before but Damien got a teaching job! He will be teaching photo and video at a high school a few towns over and he is thrilled. Not only will he get to teach something he loves, but our schedules will be completely in sync. We are feeling pretty happy with life right now.
A few weeks back, we took a mini vacation to the coast of Maine. My dad had rented a house for a week and we spent three days there. It was absolutely beautiful. It was on the Pemaquid Peninsula, in the small town of Bristol. A house at the end of a dead end, with the bay across the street. Since we aren't beach people, we were happy spending the hot days in the small tide pools, looking for shells, and snails and crabs. We did some sightseeing and played some wiffleball. And bubbles. Lots and lots of bubbles. It was just what we needed. Max loved spending the time with Grandfather and we loved all of the memories being made.
Your son is adorable! That looks like a great time!